Senin, 16 Juni 2014




One upon a time in the night, when every body sleep. Suddenly maulida call her  mom, then her mom go straight to the bad room maulida. Obvious her body is very hight temperature and get fever. She is very shocked and her mom called her sister to carry maulida go to the clinic.

Maulida           : mom, mom, I feel very dizzy and my body is very hot. Come here mom! L
Mother                        : (open the door) maulida, what happen honey?
Maulida           : I’m very dizzy mom, and my body is very hot L
Mother            : (her mother hold body maulida), oh my god, maulida your body is hight   temperature. ( her mother panic and take a medicine and compress for you!
Maulida           : okey, mom.
Hermother go to the kitchen for take a madicine and compress
Maulida           : hurry up mom !!
Mother            : wait honey ! maulida, you must drink the medicine in order that your body will better  and I will compress you.
Maulida           : yes, mom. Thank you
After she drink a medichine and compress, her body still feeling fever and her mom very shock and called her sister for bring maulida go to klinic.
Mother            : oh…..honey, your body still fever . (she mom called she sister). Eka, eka…  comeHere please honey. Your sister is sick.
Eka                  : what happen mom? (in the night shouted)
Mother            : maulida is sick, eka. Her body very hot. Hurry up you must prepare the car, we must bring maulida to go to clinic.
Eka                  : oh my good, yesterday maulida was fine, she was not sick.
Mother                        : but, she is today sick honey, hurry up prepare the car. Please !
Eka                  : okey, mom …
(Eka go to garage for preparing the car , but the car will to climb the wheel is broken , eka called to her moteher )
Eka                  :       
Mother                        : what happen, sist ?
Eka                  : the whel is broken mom L
Mother            : what ? .oh my god, now you must search carriage for take maulida go to the clinic.
Eka                  : but mom, it’s midnight , is there public transportation ?
Mother                        : we are to bring maulida too now .
Eka                  : okey, mom wait in the car okey.
Mother                        : okey.
Eka                  : oh god, in the night where there are carrige ?. L
(After  minute. Eka see a car on the street.)
Eka                  : sir…sir.. help me please
(after few minute. Done see a can on the strage. Maulida waving hand for come help)
Eka                  : sir...sir... help me please !!
Bapak              : what happen ? may I help you ?
Eka                  : (my wheel was broken) and my sister,can you help me to go to clinic please ?
Bapak              : oh god, okey I will help you. Where is you car ?
Eka                  : over there !
Bapak              : oke, lets go !
(They  go to maulida the car)
Eka                  : mom, come on.
Mother                        : thanks for helping me sir, sorry may I have your name please ?
Father              : my name is mr. Anto madam. I will help you and you child. And what’s your                  name ?
Mother                        : oh, my name is ms. Diah.
Bapak              : Come on take your child on my car.
Mother                        : okey.
( they are go to the  clinic and arrive in the clinic maulida and her mother say thank you to mr. Anto)
Mother                        : thank you very much mr. Anto for you help me J
Bapak              : you are welcome  miss. I’m must go now.
Mother                        : oh, okey. Nice to meet you.
Bapak              : nice to meet you too. Bye


Resepsionis     : good night madam, may I help you ?
Mother            : yes, miss. My children sick and I will examine her to the doctor.?
Resepsionis     : yes, doctormita there is in the room. What is your the children’s name ?
Mother            : she, name is maulida, miss.
Resepsionis     : how old and where do you live, madame ?
Mother            : seventeen years old, and I  live in jln. Raya bogor number seventeen.
Resepsionisa    : oke, wait a moment please madam.
After that , she is go to the blood tension room for giving data eka and checking she bload tension.
Resepsionis     : hello miss isna, there is one patient again.
Nurse               : oke. J
Afte miss dini exit to ms.isna room, and than miss isna calles maulida.


Nurse               : maulida,.... come in please !
Maulida           :what do you feel ?
Maulida           : i’m very dizzy and fever, nurse.
Nurse               : oke, i will check your blood tension and body temperature. What the last time check blood tension ? and how results ?
Maulida           : i didn’t check long time. I think the last time my blood tension 110/80 mmHg, nurse.
And nurse check up her body temperature and blood tension.
Nurse               : where do you school and what is your grade ?
Maulida           : I’m school in SMK Health  of BICTA, and third grade, nurse.
Nurse               : wow, obvious in a health school. Maulida, your body temperature is 39°C, and your blood tension is 100/60 mmHg your body temperatur is very hot.
Maulida           : hmm, it’s oke, thank you, nurse.
Nurse               : or well, get soon J
While the nurse giving the doctor check result, for the doctor  maulida and her mother waiting in the doctor room. Before has name was called by the doctor, suddenly she feel very dizzy and her body shivered because long a wait call the doctor.
Maulida           : mom... mom...
Mother            : what happen honey ? (while to hold her body and see shiver).
Maulida           : mom... my head is so dizzy.
Mother            : yes... honey wait a moment, your namewill be on call doctor.
After a long wait, finally her name called the doctor

Doctor             : maulida ?
Mother            : yes, dok, honey your name is called.
Maulida and mother on the doctor’s room.
Doctor             : maulida, sit down please.
Maulida           : yes, dok. Thank you.
Moctor            : what do you feel ?
Maulida           : i feel dizzy, nausea, weakness and fever.
Doctor             : how long did you fever ?
Maulida           : how days ago doctor.
Doctor             : have you taken the medicine ?
Maulida           : I have teken the  medicine of paracetamol dok but fever is not go down, my body even more fever.
Doctor             : hmmm... oke. Please down to the bed.
Maulida           : oke doctor.
Maulida check up the doctor, mean while mother wait in the seat.
Mother            : how about my child condition dok ?
Doctor             : oke, maulida, according to information from maulida she has a fever more than three times the odds of hes sick DBD !
Mother            : hah (shock) ! are you serious ?
Doctor             : don’tpanic, we have blood checks to make sure she hit Dengue Hemangue Fever , but the clinic is not to prepare laboratorium facilitis, so I will refer to hospital.
Mother            : hhhmm .... oke fine dok.
Doctor             : maulida, you must taje arest and I was given a recipe then please redeemed in the drugstore.
Mother            : oke, dok
Doctor             : and this refessal.
Mother            : thank you doctor.
Doctor             : you are welcome. Get well soon.
Maulida and mother get out from doctor room and go to the apotik for redeem the receipe.
Mother            : can you help me to redeem this receipe in the drugstore please ?
Sister               : oke mom, where is the receipe and the money mom ?
Mother            : (mother immediately give money and recipe, but mother just realized that her wallet at home) “ka, my wallet is stayed at home.
Sister               : oh my god mom, why is money stayed at home? Finish t go to the home for take money and i will bring car for pick up maulida and you mom.
While her sister take a wallet at the home momand maulida wait in the waiting room. Sometime, finally sister arrive in the hospital, wihile bring money and car. Sister  go to the drugstore for take a medichine.


Sister                           : good morning, mis.
Drugist            : morning to, can i help you ?
Sister               : i will pay for medicine (while ptwiding this rescip drung)
Drugist            : okey, wait a moment please, I will prepare the medicine.
Her sister wait in the waiting room and reading a magazime. Finally her sister name was called.
Drugist            : ms. Maulida .
Sister               : yes, miss! (go to chasier)
Drugist            : Are you maulida?
Sister               : No, i’m her sister.
Drugist            : This is  medichine parasetamol drink 3×1 for down fever. This is antibiotic you drink 3×1 until finished, and this is vitamin you her sister drink 1×1. The medichine drink  after eating
Sister               : sorry miss, will you discraibe again ?
Drugist            : This is medichine parasetamol drink 3×1 for down fever. This is antibiotic you drink 3×1 until finished , and this is vitamin drink 1×1. The medichine drink after eating .
Sister               : hmm,, okey I’m understand, what is the price of these drugs?
Drugist            : all of these drugs is two hundred thousand rupiah.
Sister               : this is the money.
Drugist            : thansk you.get well soon.
Sister               : you are welcomeJ


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